"""Implementations of all on-path strategies"""
from __future__ import division
import random
import networkx as nx
from icarus.registry import register_strategy
from icarus.util import inheritdoc, path_links
from .base import Strategy
__all__ = [
class Partition(Strategy):
"""Partition caching strategy.
In this strategy the network is divided into as many partitions as the number
of caching nodes and each receiver is statically mapped to one and only one
caching node. When a request is issued it is forwarded to the cache mapped
to the receiver. In case of a miss the request is routed to the source and
then returned to cache, which will store it and forward it back to the
This requires median cache placement, which optimizes the placement of
caches for this strategy.
This strategy is normally used with a small number of caching nodes. This
is the the behaviour normally adopted by Network CDN (NCDN). Google Global
Cache (GGC) operates this way.
def __init__(self, view, controller):
super(Partition, self).__init__(view, controller)
if 'cache_assignment' not in self.view.topology().graph:
raise ValueError('The topology does not have cache assignment '
'information. Have you used the optimal median '
'cache assignment?')
self.cache_assignment = self.view.topology().graph['cache_assignment']
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
source = self.view.content_source(content)
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
cache = self.cache_assignment[receiver]
self.controller.forward_request_path(receiver, cache)
if not self.controller.get_content(cache):
self.controller.forward_request_path(cache, source)
self.controller.forward_content_path(source, cache)
self.controller.forward_content_path(cache, receiver)
class Edge(Strategy):
"""Edge caching strategy.
In this strategy only a cache at the edge is looked up before forwarding
a content request to the original source.
In practice, this is like an LCE but it only queries the first cache it
finds in the path. It is assumed to be used with a topology where each
PoP has a cache but it simulates a case where the cache is actually further
down the access network and it is not looked up for transit traffic passing
through the PoP but only for PoP-originated requests.
def __init__(self, view, controller):
super(Edge, self).__init__(view, controller)
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
edge_cache = None
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
edge_cache = v
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# Cache miss, get content from source
self.controller.forward_request_path(v, source)
serving_node = source
# No caches on the path at all, get it from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
self.controller.forward_content_path(serving_node, receiver, path)
if serving_node == source:
class LeaveCopyEverywhere(Strategy):
"""Leave Copy Everywhere (LCE) strategy.
In this strategy a copy of a content is replicated at any cache on the
path between serving node and receiver.
def __init__(self, view, controller, **kwargs):
super(LeaveCopyEverywhere, self).__init__(view, controller)
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# No cache hits, get content from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_content_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
# insert content
class LeaveCopyDown(Strategy):
"""Leave Copy Down (LCD) strategy.
According to this strategy, one copy of a content is replicated only in
the caching node you hop away from the serving node in the direction of
the receiver. This strategy is described in [2]_.
..[1] N. Laoutaris, H. Che, i. Stavrakakis, The LCD interconnection of LRU
caches and its analysis.
Available: http://cs-people.bu.edu/nlaout/analysis_PEVA.pdf
def __init__(self, view, controller, **kwargs):
super(LeaveCopyDown, self).__init__(view, controller)
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# No cache hits, get content from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
# Leave a copy of the content only in the cache one level down the hit
# caching node
copied = False
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_content_hop(u, v)
if not copied and v != receiver and self.view.has_cache(v):
copied = True
class ProbCache(Strategy):
"""ProbCache strategy [3]_
This strategy caches content objects probabilistically on a path with a
probability depending on various factors, including distance from source
and destination and caching space available on the path.
This strategy was originally proposed in [2]_ and extended in [3]_. This
class implements the extended version described in [3]_. In the extended
version of ProbCache the :math`x/c` factor of the ProbCache equation is
raised to the power of :math`c`.
..[2] I. Psaras, W. Chai, G. Pavlou, Probabilistic In-Network Caching for
Information-Centric Networks, in Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM ICN '12
Available: http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~uceeips/prob-cache-icn-sigcomm12.pdf
..[3] I. Psaras, W. Chai, G. Pavlou, In-Network Cache Management and
Resource Allocation for Information-Centric Networks, IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22 May 2014
Available: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPDS.2013.304
def __init__(self, view, controller, t_tw=10):
super(ProbCache, self).__init__(view, controller)
self.t_tw = t_tw
self.cache_size = view.cache_nodes(size=True)
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
for hop in range(1, len(path)):
u = path[hop - 1]
v = path[hop]
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# No cache hits, get content from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
c = len([v for v in path if self.view.has_cache(v)])
x = 0.0
for hop in range(1, len(path)):
u = path[hop - 1]
v = path[hop]
N = sum([self.cache_size[n] for n in path[hop - 1:]
if n in self.cache_size])
if v in self.cache_size:
x += 1
self.controller.forward_content_hop(u, v)
if v != receiver and v in self.cache_size:
# The (x/c) factor raised to the power of "c" according to the
# extended version of ProbCache published in IEEE TPDS
prob_cache = float(N) / (self.t_tw * self.cache_size[v]) * (x / c) ** c
if random.random() < prob_cache:
class RandomBernoulli(Strategy):
"""Bernoulli random cache insertion.
In this strategy, a content is randomly inserted in a cache on the path
from serving node to receiver with probability *p*.
def __init__(self, view, controller, p=0.2, **kwargs):
super(RandomBernoulli, self).__init__(view, controller)
self.p = p
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# No cache hits, get content from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_content_hop(u, v)
if v != receiver and self.view.has_cache(v):
if random.random() < self.p:
class RandomChoice(Strategy):
"""Random choice strategy
This strategy stores the served content exactly in one single cache on the
path from serving node to receiver selected randomly.
def __init__(self, view, controller, **kwargs):
super(RandomChoice, self).__init__(view, controller)
[docs] @inheritdoc(Strategy)
def process_event(self, time, receiver, content, log):
# get all required data
source = self.view.content_source(content)
path = self.view.shortest_path(receiver, source)
# Route requests to original source and queries caches on the path
self.controller.start_session(time, receiver, content, log)
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_request_hop(u, v)
if self.view.has_cache(v):
if self.controller.get_content(v):
serving_node = v
# No cache hits, get content from source
serving_node = v
# Return content
path = list(reversed(self.view.shortest_path(receiver, serving_node)))
caches = [v for v in path[1:-1] if self.view.has_cache(v)]
designated_cache = random.choice(caches) if len(caches) > 0 else None
for u, v in path_links(path):
self.controller.forward_content_hop(u, v)
if v == designated_cache: