Source code for icarus.scenarios.algorithms

"""Various algorithms used for optimal cache placement."""
import random

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

import fnss

from icarus.util import path_links

__all__ = [

[docs]def pam(distances, k, n_iter=10): """Compute k-medoids using the PAM algorithm Parameters ---------- distances : 2-d NumPy array Array of distances between points k : int Number of clusters n_iter : int Number of iterations to repeat. Each repetition is executed using a different initial random assignment. Repetiting the experiment allow to reach different local optima, possibly achieving a best solution. Return ------ clusters : 1-d NumPy array Array mapping point to medoid, e.g. if point i is mapped to medoid j then clusters[i] = j medoids : 1-d NumPy array Array listing (in no particular order) all medoids cost : float Cost of the solution Notes ----- Implementation based on: """ def assign_points_to_clusters(medoids, distances): """Return a 1-d array having for at each index the medoid the element belongs to. E.g. if point i is mapped to medoid j, clusters[i] = j """ distances_to_medoids = distances[:, medoids] clusters = medoids[np.argmin(distances_to_medoids, axis=1)] clusters[medoids] = medoids return clusters def compute_new_medoid(cluster, distances): mask = np.ones(distances.shape) mask[np.ix_(cluster, cluster)] = 0. cluster_distances =, mask=mask, fill_value=10e9) costs = cluster_distances.sum(axis=1) return costs.argmin(axis=0, fill_value=np.inf) def clusters(distances, k): m = distances.shape[0] # number of points if k > m: raise ValueError("k is greater than the number of points") if hasattr(np.random, 'choice'): curr_medoids = np.random.choice(np.arange(m, dtype=int), k, replace=False) else: # This is only if I use NumPy < 1.7 curr_medoids = np.asarray(random.sample(np.arange(m, dtype=int), k)) old_medoids = np.empty(k) new_medoids = np.empty(k) # Set a negative value to ensure execution of while loop old_medoids[0] = -1 # Until the medoids stop updating, do the following: while not np.all(old_medoids == curr_medoids): # Assign each point to cluster with closest medoid clusters = assign_points_to_clusters(curr_medoids, distances) # Update cluster medoids to be lowest cost point. for curr_medoid in curr_medoids: cluster = np.where(clusters == curr_medoid)[0] new_medoids[curr_medoids == curr_medoid] = compute_new_medoid(cluster, distances) old_medoids[:] = curr_medoids[:] curr_medoids[:] = new_medoids[:] cost = np.sum(distances[np.arange(m), clusters]) return clusters, curr_medoids, cost min_cost = np.inf opt_clusters = None opt_medoids = None for _ in range(n_iter): curr_clusters, curr_medoids, curr_cost = clusters(distances, k) if curr_cost < min_cost: min_cost = curr_cost opt_clusters = curr_clusters opt_medoids = curr_medoids return opt_clusters, opt_medoids, min_cost
[docs]def extract_cluster_level_topology(topology): """Build a cluster-level topology. Each node in the topology must be have the 'cluster' attribute Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The router-level topology Returns ------- topology : Topology The cluster-level topology Notes ----- * Each router must have a cache deployed * All sources and receiver must have one single attachment point with a cache * Each node must be labelled with cluster """ cluster_map = nx.get_node_attributes(topology, 'cluster') if len(cluster_map) < topology.number_of_nodes(): raise ValueError('There are nodes not labelled with cluster information') if nx.number_connected_components(topology) > 1: raise ValueError('There is more than one connected component') cluster_topology = fnss.Topology() cluster_set = set(cluster_map.values()) if len(cluster_set) == 1: # There is only one huge cluster cluster_topology.add_node(cluster_set.pop()) return cluster_topology for u, v in topology.edges_iter(): cluster_u = cluster_map[u] cluster_v = cluster_map[v] if cluster_u != cluster_v: cluster_topology.add_edge(cluster_u, cluster_v) return cluster_topology
[docs]def deploy_clusters(topology, clusters, assign_src_rcv=True): """Annotate topology with cluster informations This function checks that all ICR candidate nodes are assigned exactly to one cluster. If assign_src_rcv is True, then it also labels source and receiver nodes to the closest cluster. This function assumes that: * each node of the topology is either an icr_candidate, a source or a receiver * each source and receiver must have degree equal to 1 Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology onto which deploy clusters clusters : list of sets Router-cluster assignment. Each element of a list is a set of node identifiers. Nodes in the same set belong to the same cluster. The length of the list therefore corresponds to the number of clusters. assign_src_rcv : bool, optional If *True*, the function labels source and receiver nodes with the cluster label of the router they are attached to. """ clustered_nodes = set() n_clustered_nodes = 0 for c in clusters: clustered_nodes = clustered_nodes.union(c) n_clustered_nodes += len(c) if n_clustered_nodes != len(clustered_nodes): raise ValueError('At least one node is listed in more than one cluster') if clustered_nodes != topology.graph['icr_candidates']: raise ValueError('Set of nodes in the cluster do not match ICR candidates') topology.graph['clusters'] = clusters for i in range(len(clusters)): for v in clusters[i]: topology.node[v]['cluster'] = i if not assign_src_rcv: return src_rcv = topology.sources().union(topology.receivers()) deg = if any(deg[v] > 1 for v in src_rcv): raise ValueError("There are at least one source or receiver with degree >= 1") for v in src_rcv: next_node = list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0] topology.node[v]['cluster'] = topology.node[next_node]['cluster']
[docs]def compute_clusters(topology, k, distance='delay', nbunch=None, n_iter=10): """Cluster nodes of a topologies as to minimize the intra-cluster latency. This function assumes that every link is labelled with latencies and performs clustering using the k-medoids method with the PAM algorithm. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology k : int The number of clusters distance : str, optional The link metric used to represent distance between nodes. If None, hop count is used instead n_iter : int, optional The number of iterations Return ------ clusters: list of sets List of clusters (each cluster being a set of nodes) """ topology = topology.to_undirected() if nx.number_connected_components(topology) > 1: raise ValueError('The topology has more than one connected component') if nbunch is not None: topology = topology.subgraph(nbunch) topology = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(topology, label_attribute='label') if distance is not None: for u, v in topology.edges_iter(): if distance not in topology.edge[u][v]: raise ValueError('Edge (%s, %s) does not have a %s attribute' % (str(topology.node[u]['label']), str(topology.node[v]['label']), distance)) n = topology.number_of_nodes() path = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(topology) distances = np.zeros((n, n)) for u in path: for v in path[u]: # Note: need to do something about weights and asymmetric paths! if u == v or distances[u][v] != 0: continue # Extract all edges of a path edges = path_links(path[u][v]) if distance is not None: distances[u][v] = distances[v][u] = sum(topology.edge[u][v][distance] for u, v in edges) else: distances[u][v] = distances[v][u] = len(edges) clusters = [set() for _ in range(k)] medoid_assignment = pam(distances, k=k, n_iter=n_iter)[0] if any(medoid_assignment >= n): raise ValueError('Something is wrong with k-medoids algorithm. ' 'I got an assignment to a medoid that does not exist') medoids = list(set(medoid_assignment)) medoid_cluster_map = {medoids[i]: i for i in range(len(medoids))} # Concert assignments from medoid ID to cluster ID for v in range(n): clusters[medoid_cluster_map[medoid_assignment[v]]].add(topology.node[v]['label']) return clusters
[docs]def compute_p_median(distances, p, n_iter=20): """Compute p-median solution using the Adjusted Vertex Substitution (AVS) algorithm. Parameters ---------- distances : dict of dicts Distance between nodes p : int Number of facilities Return ------ allocation : dict Dict mapping each node to the allocated facility facilities : set Set of the p facilities identified """ if p > len(distances): raise ValueError("p value is greater than the number of points") distances_matrix = np.zeros((len(distances), len(distances))) nodes = list(sorted(distances.keys())) nodes_map = dict(list(enumerate(nodes))) for i, v in enumerate(nodes): for j, u in enumerate(nodes): distances_matrix[i][j] = distances[u][v] mappings, medians, cost = pam(distances_matrix, p, n_iter=n_iter) facilities = set(nodes_map[v] for v in medians) allocation = {} for i, j in enumerate(mappings): allocation[nodes_map[i]] = nodes_map[j] return allocation, facilities, cost