Source code for icarus.scenarios.cacheplacement

"""Cache placement strategies

This module provides algorithms for performing cache placement, i.e., given
a cumulative cache size and a topology where each possible node candidate is
labelled, these functions deploy caching space to the nodes of the topology.
from __future__ import division
import random
import networkx as nx

from icarus.util import iround
from icarus.registry import register_cache_placement
from icarus.scenarios.algorithms import compute_clusters, compute_p_median, deploy_clusters

__all__ = [

[docs]@register_cache_placement('UNIFORM') def uniform_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, **kwargs): """Places cache budget uniformly across cache nodes. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget """ icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] cache_size = iround(cache_budget / len(icr_candidates)) for v in icr_candidates: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size
[docs]@register_cache_placement('DEGREE') def degree_centrality_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, **kwargs): """Places cache budget proportionally to the degree of the node. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget """ deg = total_deg = sum(deg.values()) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] for v in icr_candidates: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = iround(cache_budget * deg[v] / total_deg)
[docs]@register_cache_placement('BETWEENNESS_CENTRALITY') def betweenness_centrality_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, **kwargs): """Places cache budget proportionally to the betweenness centrality of the node. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget """ betw = nx.betweenness_centrality(topology) total_betw = sum(betw.values()) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] for v in icr_candidates: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = iround(cache_budget * betw[v] / total_betw)
[docs]@register_cache_placement('CONSOLIDATED') def uniform_consolidated_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, spread=0.5, metric_dict=None, target='top', **kwargs): """Consolidate caches in nodes with top centrality. Differently from other cache placement strategies that place cache space to all nodes but proportionally to their centrality, this strategy places caches of all the same size in a set of selected nodes. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget spread : float [0, 1], optional The spread factor, The greater it is the more the cache budget is spread among nodes. If it is 1, all candidate nodes are assigned a cache, if it is 0, only the node with the highest/lowest centrality is assigned a cache metric_dict : dict, optional The centrality metric according to which nodes are selected. If not specified, betweenness centrality is selected. target : ("top" | "bottom"), optional The subsection of the ranked node on which to the deploy caches. """ if spread < 0 or spread > 1: raise ValueError('spread factor must be between 0 and 1') if target not in ('top', 'bottom'): raise ValueError('target argument must be either "top" or "bottom"') if metric_dict is None and spread < 1: metric_dict = nx.betweenness_centrality(topology) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] if spread == 1: target_nodes = icr_candidates else: nodes = sorted(icr_candidates, key=lambda k: metric_dict[k]) if target == 'top': nodes = list(reversed(nodes)) # cutoff node must be at least one otherwise, if spread is too low, no # nodes would be selected cutoff = max(1, iround(spread * len(nodes))) target_nodes = nodes[:cutoff] cache_size = iround(cache_budget / len(target_nodes)) if cache_size == 0: return for v in target_nodes: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size
[docs]@register_cache_placement('RANDOM') def random_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, n_cache_nodes, seed=None, **kwargs): """Deploy caching nodes randomly Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget n_nodes : int The number of caching nodes to deploy """ n_cache_nodes = int(n_cache_nodes) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] if len(icr_candidates) < n_cache_nodes: raise ValueError("The number of ICR candidates is lower than the target number of caches") elif len(icr_candidates) == n_cache_nodes: caches = icr_candidates else: random.seed(seed) caches = random.sample(icr_candidates, n_cache_nodes) cache_size = iround(cache_budget / n_cache_nodes) if cache_size == 0: return for v in caches: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size
[docs]@register_cache_placement('OPTIMAL_MEDIAN') def optimal_median_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, n_cache_nodes, hit_ratio, weight='delay', **kwargs): """Deploy caching nodes in locations that minimize overall latency assuming a partitioned strategy (a la Google Global Cache). According to this, in the network, a set of caching nodes are deployed and each receiver is mapped to one and only one caching node. Requests from this receiver are always sent to the designated caching node. In case of cache miss requests are forwarded to the original source. This placement problem can be mapped to the p-median location-allocation problem. This function solves this problem using the vertex substitution heuristic, which practically works like the k-medoid PAM algorithms, which is also similar to the k-means clustering algorithm. The result is not guaranteed to be globally optimal, only locally optimal. Notes ----- This placement assumes that all receivers have degree = 1 and are connected to an ICR candidate nodes. Also, it assumes that contents are uniformly assigned to sources. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget n_nodes : int The number of caching nodes to deploy hit_ratio : float The expected cache hit ratio of a single cache weight : str The weight attribute """ n_cache_nodes = int(n_cache_nodes) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] if len(icr_candidates) < n_cache_nodes: raise ValueError("The number of ICR candidates (%d) is lower than " "the target number of caches (%d)" % (len(icr_candidates), n_cache_nodes)) elif len(icr_candidates) == n_cache_nodes: caches = list(icr_candidates) cache_assignment = {v: list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0] for v in topology.receivers()} else: # Need to optimally allocate caching nodes distances = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(topology, weight=weight) sources = topology.sources() d = {u: {} for u in icr_candidates} for u in icr_candidates: source_dist = sum(distances[u][source] for source in sources) / len(sources) for v in icr_candidates: if v in d[u]: d[v][u] = d[u][v] else: d[v][u] = distances[v][u] + (hit_ratio * source_dist) allocation, caches, _ = compute_p_median(distances, n_cache_nodes) cache_assignment = {v: allocation[list(topology.edge[v].keys())[0]] for v in topology.receivers()} cache_size = iround(cache_budget / n_cache_nodes) if cache_size == 0: raise ValueError("Cache budget is %d but it's too small to deploy it on %d nodes. " "Each node will have a zero-sized cache. " "Set a larger cache budget and try again" % (cache_budget, n_cache_nodes)) for v in caches: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size topology.graph['cache_assignment'] = cache_assignment
[docs]@register_cache_placement('OPTIMAL_HASHROUTING') def optimal_hashrouting_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, n_cache_nodes, hit_ratio, weight='delay', **kwargs): """Deploy caching nodes for hashrouting in optimized location Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget n_nodes : int The number of caching nodes to deploy hit_ratio : float The expected global cache hit ratio weight : str, optional The weight attribute. Default is 'delay' """ n_cache_nodes = int(n_cache_nodes) icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] if len(icr_candidates) < n_cache_nodes: raise ValueError("The number of ICR candidates (%d) is lower than " "the target number of caches (%d)" % (len(icr_candidates), n_cache_nodes)) elif len(icr_candidates) == n_cache_nodes: caches = list(icr_candidates) else: # Need to optimally allocate caching nodes distances = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length(topology, weight=weight) d = {} for v in icr_candidates: d[v] = 0 for r in topology.receivers(): d[v] += distances[r][v] for s in topology.sources(): d[v] += distances[v][s] * hit_ratio # Sort caches in increasing order of distances and assign cache sizes caches = sorted(icr_candidates, key=lambda k: d[k]) cache_size = iround(cache_budget / n_cache_nodes) if cache_size == 0: raise ValueError("Cache budget is %d but it's too small to deploy it on %d nodes. " "Each node will have a zero-sized cache. " "Set a larger cache budget and try again" % (cache_budget, n_cache_nodes)) for v in caches[:n_cache_nodes]: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size
[docs]@register_cache_placement('CLUSTERED_HASHROUTING') def clustered_hashrouting_cache_placement(topology, cache_budget, n_clusters, policy, distance='delay', **kwargs): """Deploy caching nodes for hashrouting in with clusters Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object cache_budget : int The cumulative cache budget n_clusters : int The number of clusters policy : str (node_const | cluster_const) The expected global cache hit ratio distance : str The attribute used to quantify distance between pairs of nodes. Default is 'delay' """ icr_candidates = topology.graph['icr_candidates'] if n_clusters <= 0 or n_clusters > len(icr_candidates): raise ValueError("The number of cluster must be positive and <= the " "number of ICR candidate nodes") elif n_clusters == 1: clusters = [set(icr_candidates)] elif n_clusters == len(icr_candidates): clusters = [set([v]) for v in icr_candidates] else: clusters = compute_clusters(topology, n_clusters, distance=distance, nbunch=icr_candidates, n_iter=100) deploy_clusters(topology, clusters, assign_src_rcv=True) if policy == 'node_const': # Each node is assigned the same amount of caching space cache_size = iround(cache_budget / len(icr_candidates)) if cache_size == 0: return for v in icr_candidates: topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size elif policy == 'cluster_const': cluster_cache_size = iround(cache_budget / n_clusters) for cluster in topology.graph['clusters']: cache_size = iround(cluster_cache_size / len(cluster)) for v in cluster: if v not in icr_candidates: continue topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['cache_size'] = cache_size else: raise ValueError('clustering policy %s not supported' % policy)