Source code for icarus.scenarios.contentplacement

"""Content placement strategies.

This module contains function to decide the allocation of content objects to
source nodes.
import random
import collections

from fnss.util import random_from_pdf
from icarus.registry import register_content_placement

__all__ = ['uniform_content_placement', 'weighted_content_placement']

def apply_content_placement(placement, topology):
    """Apply a placement to a topology

    placement : dict of sets
        Set of contents to be assigned to nodes keyed by node identifier
    topology : Topology
        The topology
    for v, contents in placement.items():
        topology.node[v]['stack'][1]['contents'] = contents

def get_sources(topology):
    return [v for v in topology if topology.node[v]['stack'][0] == 'source']

[docs]@register_content_placement('UNIFORM') def uniform_content_placement(topology, contents, seed=None): """Places content objects to source nodes randomly following a uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object contents : iterable Iterable of content objects source_nodes : list List of nodes of the topology which are content sources Returns ------- cache_placement : dict Dictionary mapping content objects to source nodes Notes ----- A deterministic placement of objects (e.g., for reproducing results) can be achieved by using a fix seed value """ random.seed(seed) source_nodes = get_sources(topology) content_placement = collections.defaultdict(set) for c in contents: content_placement[random.choice(source_nodes)].add(c) apply_content_placement(content_placement, topology)
[docs]@register_content_placement('WEIGHTED') def weighted_content_placement(topology, contents, source_weights, seed=None): """Places content objects to source nodes randomly according to the weight of the source node. Parameters ---------- topology : Topology The topology object contents : iterable Iterable of content objects source_weights : dict Dict mapping nodes nodes of the topology which are content sources and the weight according to which content placement decision is made. Returns ------- cache_placement : dict Dictionary mapping content objects to source nodes Notes ----- A deterministic placement of objects (e.g., for reproducing results) can be achieved by using a fix seed value """ random.seed(seed) norm_factor = float(sum(source_weights.values())) source_pdf = dict((k, v / norm_factor) for k, v in source_weights.items()) content_placement = collections.defaultdict(set) for c in contents: content_placement[random_from_pdf(source_pdf)].add(c) apply_content_placement(content_placement, topology)