Source code for icarus.scenarios.workload

"""Traffic workloads

Every traffic workload to be used with Icarus must be modelled as an iterable
class, i.e. a class with at least an `__init__` method (through which it is
initialized, with values taken from the configuration file) and an `__iter__`
method that is called to return a new event.

Each call to the `__iter__` method must return a 2-tuple in which the first
element is the timestamp at which the event occurs and the second is a
dictionary, describing the event, which must contain at least the three
following attributes:
 * receiver: The name of the node issuing the request
 * content: The name of the content for which the request is issued
 * log: A boolean value indicating whether this request should be logged or not
   for measurement purposes.

Each workload must expose the `contents` attribute which is an iterable of
all content identifiers. This is needed for content placement.
import random
import csv

import networkx as nx

from import TruncatedZipfDist
from icarus.registry import register_workload

__all__ = [

[docs]@register_workload('STATIONARY') class StationaryWorkload(object): """This function generates events on the fly, i.e. instead of creating an event schedule to be kept in memory, returns an iterator that generates events when needed. This is useful for running large schedules of events where RAM is limited as its memory impact is considerably lower. These requests are Poisson-distributed while content popularity is Zipf-distributed All requests are mapped to receivers uniformly unless a positive *beta* parameter is specified. If a *beta* parameter is specified, then receivers issue requests at different rates. The algorithm used to determine the requests rates for each receiver is the following: * All receiver are sorted in decreasing order of degree of the PoP they are attached to. This assumes that all receivers have degree = 1 and are attached to a node with degree > 1 * Rates are then assigned following a Zipf distribution of coefficient beta where nodes with higher-degree PoPs have a higher request rate Parameters ---------- topology : fnss.Topology The topology to which the workload refers n_contents : int The number of content object alpha : float The Zipf alpha parameter beta : float, optional Parameter indicating rate : float, optional The mean rate of requests per second n_warmup : int, optional The number of warmup requests (i.e. requests executed to fill cache but not logged) n_measured : int, optional The number of logged requests after the warmup Returns ------- events : iterator Iterator of events. Each event is a 2-tuple where the first element is the timestamp at which the event occurs and the second element is a dictionary of event attributes. """ def __init__(self, topology, n_contents, alpha, beta=0, rate=1.0, n_warmup=10 ** 5, n_measured=4 * 10 ** 5, seed=None, **kwargs): if alpha < 0: raise ValueError('alpha must be positive') if beta < 0: raise ValueError('beta must be positive') self.receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['stack'][0] == 'receiver'] self.zipf = TruncatedZipfDist(alpha, n_contents) self.n_contents = n_contents self.contents = range(1, n_contents + 1) self.alpha = alpha self.rate = rate self.n_warmup = n_warmup self.n_measured = n_measured random.seed(seed) self.beta = beta if beta != 0: degree = self.receivers = sorted(self.receivers, key=lambda x: degree[iter(topology.edge[x]).next()], reverse=True) self.receiver_dist = TruncatedZipfDist(beta, len(self.receivers)) def __iter__(self): req_counter = 0 t_event = 0.0 while req_counter < self.n_warmup + self.n_measured: t_event += (random.expovariate(self.rate)) if self.beta == 0: receiver = random.choice(self.receivers) else: receiver = self.receivers[self.receiver_dist.rv() - 1] content = int(self.zipf.rv()) log = (req_counter >= self.n_warmup) event = {'receiver': receiver, 'content': content, 'log': log} yield (t_event, event) req_counter += 1 raise StopIteration()
[docs]@register_workload('GLOBETRAFF') class GlobetraffWorkload(object): """Parse requests from GlobeTraff workload generator All requests are mapped to receivers uniformly unless a positive *beta* parameter is specified. If a *beta* parameter is specified, then receivers issue requests at different rates. The algorithm used to determine the requests rates for each receiver is the following: * All receiver are sorted in decreasing order of degree of the PoP they are attached to. This assumes that all receivers have degree = 1 and are attached to a node with degree > 1 * Rates are then assigned following a Zipf distribution of coefficient beta where nodes with higher-degree PoPs have a higher request rate Parameters ---------- topology : fnss.Topology The topology to which the workload refers reqs_file : str The GlobeTraff request file contents_file : str The GlobeTraff content file beta : float, optional Spatial skewness of requests rates Returns ------- events : iterator Iterator of events. Each event is a 2-tuple where the first element is the timestamp at which the event occurs and the second element is a dictionary of event attributes. """ def __init__(self, topology, reqs_file, contents_file, beta=0, **kwargs): """Constructor""" if beta < 0: raise ValueError('beta must be positive') self.receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['stack'][0] == 'receiver'] self.n_contents = 0 with open(contents_file, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for content, popularity, size, app_type in reader: self.n_contents = max(self.n_contents, content) self.n_contents += 1 self.contents = range(self.n_contents) self.request_file = reqs_file self.beta = beta if beta != 0: degree = self.receivers = sorted(self.receivers, key=lambda x: degree[iter(topology.edge[x]).next()], reverse=True) self.receiver_dist = TruncatedZipfDist(beta, len(self.receivers)) def __iter__(self): with open(self.request_file, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for timestamp, content, size in reader: if self.beta == 0: receiver = random.choice(self.receivers) else: receiver = self.receivers[self.receiver_dist.rv() - 1] event = {'receiver': receiver, 'content': content, 'size': size} yield (timestamp, event) raise StopIteration()
[docs]@register_workload('TRACE_DRIVEN') class TraceDrivenWorkload(object): """Parse requests from a generic request trace. This workload requires two text files: * a requests file, where each line corresponds to a string identifying the content requested * a contents file, which lists all unique content identifiers appearing in the requests file. Since the trace do not provide timestamps, requests are scheduled according to a Poisson process of rate *rate*. All requests are mapped to receivers uniformly unless a positive *beta* parameter is specified. If a *beta* parameter is specified, then receivers issue requests at different rates. The algorithm used to determine the requests rates for each receiver is the following: * All receiver are sorted in decreasing order of degree of the PoP they are attached to. This assumes that all receivers have degree = 1 and are attached to a node with degree > 1 * Rates are then assigned following a Zipf distribution of coefficient beta where nodes with higher-degree PoPs have a higher request rate Parameters ---------- topology : fnss.Topology The topology to which the workload refers reqs_file : str The path to the requests file contents_file : str The path to the contents file n_contents : int The number of content object (i.e. the number of lines of contents_file) n_warmup : int The number of warmup requests (i.e. requests executed to fill cache but not logged) n_measured : int The number of logged requests after the warmup rate : float, optional The network-wide mean rate of requests per second beta : float, optional Spatial skewness of requests rates Returns ------- events : iterator Iterator of events. Each event is a 2-tuple where the first element is the timestamp at which the event occurs and the second element is a dictionary of event attributes. """ def __init__(self, topology, reqs_file, contents_file, n_contents, n_warmup, n_measured, rate=1.0, beta=0, **kwargs): """Constructor""" if beta < 0: raise ValueError('beta must be positive') # Set high buffering to avoid one-line reads self.buffering = 64 * 1024 * 1024 self.n_contents = n_contents self.n_warmup = n_warmup self.n_measured = n_measured self.reqs_file = reqs_file self.rate = rate self.receivers = [v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['stack'][0] == 'receiver'] self.contents = [] with open(contents_file, 'r', buffering=self.buffering) as f: for content in f: self.contents.append(content) self.beta = beta if beta != 0: degree = self.receivers = sorted(self.receivers, key=lambda x: degree[iter(topology.edge[x]).next()], reverse=True) self.receiver_dist = TruncatedZipfDist(beta, len(self.receivers)) def __iter__(self): req_counter = 0 t_event = 0.0 with open(self.reqs_file, 'r', buffering=self.buffering) as f: for content in f: t_event += (random.expovariate(self.rate)) if self.beta == 0: receiver = random.choice(self.receivers) else: receiver = self.receivers[self.receiver_dist.rv() - 1] log = (req_counter >= self.n_warmup) event = {'receiver': receiver, 'content': content, 'log': log} yield (t_event, event) req_counter += 1 if(req_counter >= self.n_warmup + self.n_measured): raise StopIteration() raise ValueError("Trace did not contain enough requests")
[docs]@register_workload('YCSB') class YCSBWorkload(object): """Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) The YCSB is a set of reference workloads used to benchmark databases and, more generally any storage/caching systems. It comprises five workloads: +------------------+------------------------+------------------+ | Workload | Operations | Record selection | +------------------+------------------------+------------------+ | A - Update heavy | Read: 50%, Update: 50% | Zipfian | | B - Read heavy | Read: 95%, Update: 5% | Zipfian | | C - Read only | Read: 100% | Zipfian | | D - Read latest | Read: 95%, Insert: 5% | Latest | | E - Short ranges | Scan: 95%, Insert 5% | Zipfian/Uniform | +------------------+------------------------+------------------+ Notes ----- At the moment only workloads A, B and C are implemented, since they are the most relevant for caching systems. """ def __init__(self, workload, n_contents, n_warmup, n_measured, alpha=0.99, seed=None, **kwargs): """Constructor Parameters ---------- workload : str Workload identifier. Currently supported: "A", "B", "C" n_contents : int Number of content items n_warmup : int, optional The number of warmup requests (i.e. requests executed to fill cache but not logged) n_measured : int, optional The number of logged requests after the warmup alpha : float, optional Parameter of Zipf distribution seed : int, optional The seed for the random generator """ if workload not in ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"): raise ValueError("Incorrect workload ID [A-B-C-D-E]") elif workload in ("D", "E"): raise NotImplementedError("Workloads D and E not yet implemented") self.workload = workload if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) self.zipf = TruncatedZipfDist(alpha, n_contents) self.n_warmup = n_warmup self.n_measured = n_measured def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator over the workload""" req_counter = 0 while req_counter < self.n_warmup + self.n_measured: rand = random.random() op = { "A": "READ" if rand < 0.5 else "UPDATE", "B": "READ" if rand < 0.95 else "UPDATE", "C": "READ" }[self.workload] item = int(self.zipf.rv()) log = (req_counter >= self.n_warmup) event = {'op': op, 'item': item, 'log': log} yield event req_counter += 1 raise StopIteration()