Source code for

"""Functions for importing and analyzing traffic traces"""
from __future__ import division

import math
import collections
import time
import dateutil
import types

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chisquare

from import TruncatedZipfDist

__all__ = [

[docs]def frequencies(data): """Extract frequencies from traces. Returns array of sorted frequencies Parameters ---------- data : array-like An array of generic data (i.e. URLs of web pages) Returns ------- frequencies : array of int The frequencies of the data sorted in descending order Notes ----- This function does not return the mapping between data elements and their frequencies, it only returns frequencies. This function can be used to get frequencies to pass to the *zipf_fit* function given a set of data, e.g. content request traces. """ return np.asarray(sorted(collections.Counter(data).values(), reverse=True))
[docs]def one_timers(data): """Return fraction of contents requested only once (i.e., one-timers) Parameters ---------- data : array-like An array of generic data (i.e. URLs of web pages) Returns ------- one_timers : float Fraction of content objects requested only once. """ n_items = 0 n_onetimers = 0 counter = collections.Counter(data) for i in counter.itervalues(): n_items += 1 if i == 1: n_onetimers += 1 return n_onetimers / n_items
[docs]def trace_stats(data): """Print full stats of a trace Parameters ---------- data : array-like An array of generic data (i.e. URLs of web pages) Return ------ stats : dict Metrics of the trace """ if isinstance(data, types.GeneratorType): data = collections.deque(data) freqs = frequencies(data) alpha, p = zipf_fit(freqs) n_reqs = len(data) n_contents = len(freqs) n_onetimers = len(freqs[freqs == 1]) return dict(n_contents=n_contents, n_reqs=n_reqs, n_onetimers=n_onetimers, alpha=alpha, p=p, onetimers_contents_ratio=n_onetimers / n_contents, onetimers_reqs_ratio=n_onetimers / n_reqs, mean_reqs_per_content=n_reqs / n_contents )
[docs]def zipf_fit(obs_freqs, need_sorting=False): """Returns the value of the Zipf's distribution alpha parameter that best fits the data provided and the p-value of the fit test. Parameters ---------- obs_freqs : array The array of observed frequencies sorted in descending order need_sorting : bool, optional If True, indicates that obs_freqs is not sorted and this function will sort it. If False, assume that the array is already sorted Returns ------- alpha : float The alpha parameter of the best Zipf fit p : float The p-value of the test Notes ----- This function uses the method described in """ try: from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar except ImportError: raise ImportError("Cannot import scipy.optimize minimize_scalar. " "You either don't have scipy install or you have a " "version too old (required 0.12 onwards)") obs_freqs = np.asarray(obs_freqs) if need_sorting: # Sort in descending order obs_freqs = -np.sort(-obs_freqs) n = len(obs_freqs) def log_likelihood(alpha): return np.sum(obs_freqs * (alpha * np.log(np.arange(1.0, n + 1)) + \ math.log(sum(1.0 / np.arange(1.0, n + 1) ** alpha)))) # Find optimal alpha alpha = minimize_scalar(log_likelihood)['x'] # Calculate goodness of fit if alpha <= 0: # Silently report a zero probability of a fit return alpha, 0 exp_freqs = np.sum(obs_freqs) * TruncatedZipfDist(alpha, n).pdf p = chisquare(obs_freqs, exp_freqs)[1] return alpha, p
[docs]def parse_url_list(path): """Parse traces from a text file where each line contains a URL requested without timestamp or counters Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the trace file to parse Returns ------- trace : iterator of strings An iterator whereby each element is dictionary expressing all attributes of an entry of the trace """ with open(path) as f: for line in f: yield line raise StopIteration()
[docs]def parse_wikibench(path): """Parses traces from the Wikibench dataset Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the trace file to parse Returns ------- trace : iterator of dicts An iterator whereby each element is dictionary expressing all attributes of an entry of the trace """ with open(path) as f: for line in f: entry = line.split(" ") yield dict( counter=int(entry[0]), timestamp=entry[1], url=entry[2] ) raise StopIteration()
[docs]def parse_squid(path): """Parses traces from a Squid log file. Parse a Squid log file. Squid is an HTTP reverse proxy. Its logs contains traces of all HTTP requests served and can be used for trace-driven simulations based on realistic HTTP workloads. Traces from the IRCache dataset are in this format. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the trace file to parse Returns ------- trace : iterator of dicts An iterator whereby each element is dictionary expressing all attributes of an entry of the trace Notes ----- Documentation describing the Squid log format is available here: """ with open(path) as f: for line in f: entry = line.split(" ") timestamp = entry[0] duration = int(entry[1]) client_addr = entry[2] log_tag, http_code = entry[3].split("/") http_code = int(http_code) bytes_len = int(entry[4]) req_method = entry[5] url = entry[6] client_ident = entry[7] if entry[7] != '-' else None hierarchy_data, hostname = entry[8].split("/") content_type = entry[9] if entry[9] != '-' else None yield dict( time=timestamp, duration=duration, client_addr=client_addr, log_tag=log_tag, http_code=http_code, bytes_len=bytes_len, req_method=req_method, url=url, client_ident=client_ident, hierarchy_data=hierarchy_data, hostname=hostname, content_type=content_type ) raise StopIteration()
[docs]def parse_youtube_umass(path): """Parse YouTube collected at UMass campus network [1]_. These data were collected at UMass campus network over a a measurement period between June 2007 and March 2008. This function parses the request traces, named youtube.parsed.X.Y.dat. Each entry of the trace provides the following information elements: * Timestamp * YouTube server IP (anonymized) * Client IP (anonymized) * Request * Video ID * Content server IP Traces are available at Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the trace file to parse Returns ------- trace : iterator of dicts An iterator whereby each element is dictionary expressing all attributes of an entry of the trace References ---------- ..[1] Michael Zink, Kyoungwon Suh, Yu Gu and Jim Kurose, Watch Global Cache Local: YouTube Network Traces at a Campus Network - Measurements and Implications, in Proc. of IEEE MMCN'08 """ with open(path) as f: for line in f: entry = line.split(" ") timestamp = entry[0] youtube_server_addr = int(entry[1]) client_addr = entry[2] request = entry[3] video_id = entry[4] content_server_addr = entry[5] yield dict( time=timestamp, youtube_server_addr=youtube_server_addr, client_addr=client_addr, request=request, video_id=video_id, content_server_addr=content_server_addr, ) raise StopIteration()
[docs]def parse_common_log_format(path): """Parse files saved in the Common Log Format (CLF) Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the Common Log Format file to parse Returns ------- events : iterator iterator over the events parsed from the file Notes ----- Common Log Format specifications: """ with open(path) as f: for line in f: entry = line.split(" ") client_addr = entry[0] user_ident = entry[1] auth_user = entry[2] date = entry[3][1:-1] request = entry[4] status = int(entry[5]) n_bytes = int(entry[6]) # Convert timestamp into float t = time.mktime(dateutil.parser.parse(date.replace(":", " ", 0)).timetuple()) event = dict( client_addr=client_addr, user_ident=user_ident, auth_user=auth_user, request=request, status=status, bytes=n_bytes ) yield t, event raise StopIteration()