Source code for icarus.util

"""Utility functions
from __future__ import division
import time
import logging
import collections
import copy
import heapq

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx

__all__ = [

[docs]class Tree(collections.defaultdict): """Tree data structure This class models a tree data structure that is mainly used to store experiment parameters and results in a hierarchical form that makes it easier to search and filter data in them. """ def __init__(self, data=None, **attr): """Constructor Parameters ---------- data : input data Data from which building a tree. Types supported are Tree objects and dicts (or object that can be cast to trees), even nested. attr : additional keyworded attributes. Attributes can be trees of leaf values. If they're dictionaries, they will be converted to trees """ if data is None: data = {} elif not isinstance(data, Tree): # If data is not a Tree try to cast to dict and iteratively recurse # it to convert each node to a tree data = dict(data) for k in data: if not isinstance(data[k], Tree) and isinstance(data[k], dict): data[k] = Tree(data[k]) # Add processed data to the tree super(Tree, self).__init__(Tree, data) if attr: self.update(attr) def __iter__(self, root=[]): it = collections.deque() for k_child, v_child in self.items(): base = copy.copy(root) base.append(k_child) if isinstance(v_child, Tree): it.extend(v_child.__iter__(base)) else: it.append((tuple(base), v_child)) return iter(it) def __setitem__(self, k, v): if not isinstance(v, Tree) and isinstance(v, dict): v = Tree(v) super(Tree, self).__setitem__(k, v) def __reduce__(self): # This code is needed to fix an issue occurring while pickling. # Further info here: # t = collections.defaultdict.__reduce__(self) return (t[0], ()) + t[2:] def __str__(self, dictonly=False): """Return a string representation of the tree Parameters ---------- dictonly : bool, optional If True, just return a representation of a corresponding dictionary Returns ------- tree : str A string representation of the tree """ return "Tree({})".format(self.dict()) @property def empty(self): """Return True if the tree is empty, False otherwise""" return len(self) == 0
[docs] def update(self, e): """Update tree from e, similarly to dict.update Parameters ---------- e : Tree The tree to update from """ if not isinstance(e, Tree): e = Tree(e) super(Tree, self).update(e)
[docs] def paths(self): """Return a dictionary mapping all paths to final (non-tree) values and the values. Returns ------- paths : dict Path-value mapping """ return dict(iter(self))
[docs] def getval(self, path): """Get the value at a specific path, None if not there Parameters ---------- path : iterable Path to the desired value Returns ------- val : any type The value at the given path """ tree = self for i in path: if isinstance(tree, Tree) and i in tree: tree = tree[i] else: return None return None if isinstance(tree, Tree) and tree.empty else tree
[docs] def setval(self, path, val): """Set a value at a specific path Parameters ---------- path : iterable Path to the value val : any type The value to set at the given path """ tree = self for i in path[:-1]: if not isinstance(tree[i], Tree): tree[i] = Tree() tree = tree[i] tree[path[-1]] = val
[docs] def dict(self, str_keys=False): """Convert the tree in nested dictionaries Parameters ---------- str_key : bool, optional Convert keys to string. This is useful for example to dump a dict into a JSON object that requires keys to be strings Returns ------- d : dict A nested dict representation of the tree """ d = {} for k, v in self.items(): k = str(k) if str_keys else k v = v.dict() if isinstance(v, Tree) else v d[k] = v return d
[docs] def match(self, condition): """Check if the tree matches a given condition. The condition is another tree. This method iterates to all the values of the condition and verify that all values of the condition tree are present in this tree and have the same value. Note that the operation is not symmetric i.e. self.match(condition) != condition.match(self). In fact, this method return True if this tree has values not present in the condition tree while it would return False if the condition has values not present in this tree. Parameters ---------- condition : Tree The condition to check Returns ------- match : bool True if the tree matches the condition, False otherwise. """ condition = Tree(condition) return all(self.getval(path) == val for path, val in condition.paths().items())
[docs]class Settings(object): """Object storing all settings""" def __init__(self): """Constructor """ # This kind of assignment using __setattr__ is to prevent infinite # recursion object.__setattr__(self, '__conf', dict()) object.__setattr__(self, '__frozen', False) def __len__(self): """Return the number of settings Returns ------- len : int The number of settings """ return len(self.__conf) def __getitem__(self, name): """Return value of settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting Returns ------- value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ if name in self.__conf: return self.__conf[name] else: raise ValueError('Setting %s not found' % str(name)) def __getstate__(self): """Return a representation of the object for pickling purposes. Returns ------- state : dict State of current object """ # This function was implemented because otherwise pickling # under Python 3.x fails return self.__dict__ def __getattr__(self, name): """Return value of settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting Returns ------- value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ if name == '_Settings__conf': return object.__getattribute__(self, '__conf') if name == '_Settings__frozen': return object.__getattribute__(self, '__frozen') if name in self.__conf: return self.__conf[name] else: raise ValueError('Setting %s not found' % str(name)) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """Sets a given value for a settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ return self.set(name, value) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Sets a given value for a settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ if name == '_Settings__conf': object.__setattr__(self, '__conf', value) return self.set(name, value) def __delitem__(self, name): """Removes a specific setting Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting """ if self.__frozen: raise ValueError('Settings are frozen and cannot be modified') del self.__conf[name] def __contains__(self, name): """Checks if a specific setting exists or not Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the setting Returns ------- contains : bool *True* if present, *False* otherwise """ return name in self.__conf @property def frozen(self): "Return whether the object is frozen or not." return self.__frozen
[docs] def read_from(self, path, freeze=False): """Initialize settings by reading from a file Parameters ---------- path : str The path of the file from which settings are read freeze : bool, optional If *True*, freezes object so that settings cannot be changed """ if self.__frozen: raise ValueError('Settings are frozen and cannot be modified') exec(open(path).read(), self.__conf) for k in list(self.__conf): if k != k.upper(): del self.__conf[k] if freeze: self.freeze()
[docs] def freeze(self): "Freeze the objects. No settings can be added or modified any more" self.__frozen = True
[docs] def get(self, name): """Return value of settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting Returns ------- value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ if name in self.__conf: return self.__conf[name] else: raise ValueError('Setting %s not found' % str(name))
[docs] def set(self, name, value): """Sets a given value for a settings with given name Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the setting value : any hashable type The value of the setting """ if self.frozen: raise ValueError('Settings are frozen and cannot be modified') self.__conf[name] = value
[docs]class AnyValue(object): """Pseudo-value that returns True when compared to any other object. This object can be used for example to store parameters in resultsets. One concrete usage example is the following: let's assume that a user runs an experiment using various strategies under different values of a specific parameter and that the user knows that one strategy does not depend on that parameters while others do. If a user wants to plot the sensitivity of all these strategies against this parameter, he would want the strategy insensitive to that parameter to be selected from the resultset when filtering it against any value of that parameter. This can be achieved by setting AnyValue() to this parameter in the result related to that strategy. """ def __eq__(self, other): """Return always True Parameters ---------- other : any The object to be compared Returns ------- eq : bool Always True """ return True def __ne__(self, other): """Return always False Parameters ---------- other : any The object to be compared Returns ------- en : bool Always False """ return False
[docs]class SequenceNumber(object): """This class models an increasing sequence number. It is used to assign a sequence number for an experiment in a thread-safe manner. """ def __init__(self, initval=1): """Constructor Parameters ---------- initval :int, optional The starting sequence number """ self.__seq = initval - 1
[docs] def assign(self): """Assigns a new sequence number. Returns ------- seq : int The sequence number """ self.__seq += 1 seq = self.__seq return seq
[docs] def current(self): """Return the latest sequence number assigned Returns ------- seq : int The latest assigned sequence number """ return self.__seq
[docs]def config_logging(log_level='INFO'): """Configure logging level Parameters ---------- log_level : int The granularity of logging """ FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(name)s] %(message)s" DATE_FMT = "%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d" log_level = eval('logging.%s' % log_level.upper()) logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, datefmt=DATE_FMT, level=log_level)
[docs]def inheritdoc(cls): """Decorator that inherits docstring from the overridden method of the superclass. Parameters ---------- cls : Class The superclass from which the method docstring is inherit Notes ----- This decorator requires to specify the superclass the contains the method (with the same name of the method to which this decorator is applied) whose docstring is to be replicated. It is possible to implement more complex decorators which identify the superclass automatically. There are examples available in the Web (e.g.,, however, the increased complexity leads to issues of interactions with other decorators. This implementation is simple, easy to understand and works well with Icarus code. """ def _decorator(function): # This assignment is needed to maintain a reference to the superclass sup = cls name = function.__name__ function.__doc__ = eval('sup.%s.__doc__' % name) return function return _decorator
[docs]def timestr(sec, with_seconds=True): """Get a time interval in seconds and returns it formatted in a string. The returned string includes days, hours, minutes and seconds as appropriate. Parameters ---------- sec : float The time interval with_seconds : bool If *True* the time string includes seconds, otherwise only minutes Returns ------- timestr : str A string expressing the time in days, hours, minutes and seconds """ t = time.gmtime(iround(sec)) days = t.tm_yday - 1 hours = t.tm_hour mins = t.tm_min secs = t.tm_sec units = collections.deque(('d', 'h', 'm', 's')) vals = collections.deque((days, hours, mins, secs)) if not with_seconds: units.pop() vals.pop() if all(x == 0 for x in vals): return "0%s" % units[-1] while vals[0] == 0: vals.popleft() units.popleft() while vals[-1] == 0: vals.pop() units.pop() return "".join("%d%s " % (vals[i], units[i]) for i in range(len(vals)))[:-1]
[docs]def iround(x): """Round float to closest integer This code was taken from here: Parameters ---------- x : float The number to round Returns ------- xr : int The rounded number """ y = round(x) - .5 return int(y) + (y > 0)
[docs]def step_cdf(x, y): """Convert an empirical CDF in set of points representing steps. Normally this is conversion is done for plotting purposes. Parameters ---------- x : array The x values of the CDF y : array The y values of the CDF Returns ------- x : array The x values of the CDF y : array The y values of the CDF """ if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError('x and y must have the same size') sx = np.empty(2 * (len(x))) sy = np.empty(2 * (len(y))) for i in range(len(x)): sx[2 * i] = x[i] sx[2 * i + 1] = x[i] sy[2 * i] = y[i - 1] sy[2 * i + 1] = y[i] sy[0] = 0 return sx, sy
[docs]def can_import(statement): """Try executing an import statement and return True if succeeds or False otherwise Parameters ---------- statement : string The import statement Returns ------- can_import : bool True if can import, False otherwise """ try: exec(statement) return True except ImportError: return False
def overlay_betwenness_centrality(topology, origins=None, destinations=None, normalized=True, endpoints=False): """Calculate the betweenness centrality of a graph but only regarding the paths from a set of origins nodes to a set of destinations node. Parameters ---------- topology : fnss.Topology The topology origins : iterable, optional The origin nodes. If not specified, nodes with *receiver* stack are selected destinations : iterable, optional The destination nodes. If not specified, nodes with *source* stack are selected normalized : bool, optional If *True*, returned normalized values endpoints : bool, optional If *True* endpoints are included in path calculation. Returns ------- betw : dict Dictionary of betweenness centralities keyed by node """ if origins is None: origins = [v for v, (stack, _) in topology.stacks().items() if stack == 'receiver'] if destinations is None: destinations = [v for v, (stack, _) in topology.stacks().items() if stack == 'source'] betweenness = collections.defaultdict(int) path = {v: nx.single_source_shortest_path(topology, v) for v in origins} for u in path: for v in path[u]: if v not in destinations: continue sp = path[u][v] if endpoints else path[u][v][1:-1] for i in sp: betweenness[i] += 1 if normalized: norm = len(origins) * len(destinations) for v in betweenness: betweenness[v] /= norm return betweenness
[docs]def multicast_tree(shortest_paths, source, destinations): """Return a multicast tree expressed as a set of edges, without any ordering Parameters ---------- shortest_paths : dict of dicts Return all pairs shortest paths source : any hashable object The source node of the multicast tree destinations : iterable All destinations of the multicast tree Return ------ multicast_tree : set Set of edges """ tree = set() for d in destinations: if d == source: continue tree = tree.union(set(path_links(shortest_paths[source][d]))) return tree
[docs]def apportionment(n, fracs): """Allocate items to buckets according to a given proportion. This function uses the Largest remainder method with the Hare quota. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of items to allocate to buckets fracs : list of float Proportion of items to allocate to each bucket Return ------ apportionment : list of int Apportionment of items to buckets """ ints, remainders = zip(*[divmod(n * f, 1) for f in fracs]) to_alloc = int(n - sum(ints)) ints = list(ints) if to_alloc == 0: return ints idx = heapq.nlargest(to_alloc, range(len(remainders)), remainders.__getitem__) for i in idx: ints[i] += 1 return ints